This Hillary Supporter for the Obama/Biden Ticket

I opened up my Yahoo page this morning and read the results of a recent poll that made me mad. Here's the poll breakdown:
* Interview dates: September 5, 2008 – September 15, 2008
* Interviews: 1,740 adults; 1,546 registered voters
* 825 Democrats; 715 Republicans
* Overall, 74 percent of Democrats say they will vote for Obama, compared to 87 percent of Republicans behind the Arizona senator. About 9 in 10 Clinton supporters are Democrats.
I don't understand this reluctance by some of my fellow Hillary supporters to get off the fence and support Obama. Like most Hillary supporters, I too voted for Bill Clinton in 1992 and 1996. I voted for Al Gore in 2000 (the President by Popular vote). I supported Hillary during the 2008 primaries and I think she would have made a damn fine President. But honestly, I didn't want to see her as a Vice Presidential candidate and I don't think she ever wanted that role.
What bothers me here is that we Hillary supporters align with Obama on issue after issue after issue but some of us are still soft on his candidacy? Obama (like Hillary) supports:
* Creating a timeline to withdraw troops from Iraq
* Removing the tax cuts for the wealthy
* Reproductive rights for women and other pro-women issues
* Universal Healthcare
* Alternative energy solutions and not the "Drill Baby Drill" mentality of McCain. This includes: enacting a Windfall Profits Tax to provide a $1,000 Emergency Energy Rebate to American Families.
And I could go on but just go to Obama's site and read about the issues for yourself at:
Oh and a couple of words about McCain's VP choice. Sarah Palin is nothing but a Republican stunt (a bone thrown to right-wingers in the Republican party). Yes, she's a woman but she's just a cute, right-winger in lipstick with almost no governmental experience or knowledge of the wider world (got her passport last year). She limped through an interview with the laid-back Charlie Gibson (fact checkers found errors in her responses and "non-responses"). And the only reason Palin has the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country is because she pays Alaskans over $2,000 a year from oil revenues (a program called the Alaska Permanent Fund). In other words, Alaskans are paid to like her.
The McCain/Palin ticket offers nothing for us Hillary supporters. Their proposed policies are mostly an extension of the George Bush Presidency and we don't need another 4 years like the last 8 years. The rest of my fellow Hillary supporters need to wake-up and see what's really at stake here and support the Obama/Biden ticket so that we can put this country back on a sane and progressive heading.
Labels: 2008, biden, charlie gibson, clinton, drill, election, hillary, mccain, obama, palin, polls
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