Ann Arbor has parking issues. We residents all know that. I've cruised city streets looking for empty spots. Whether it's a Friday night or Sunday morning or Kerrytown or Main Street, parking has its challenges. But now I read that some city officials are coveting (for purposes of constructing a Police-Court building) the surface parking lot next to the Main Library off 5th avenue. Leave my parking lot alone! This is a very convenient city lot for people to visit the library or to do business along Liberty street. I agree with Library Board Chairwoman Margaret Leary in that such a move would isolate the Main Library. And I feel it would condemn it. Many residents use that lot to go to library events along with just going in to pick up materials. And when the Federal Building lot across the street is full (as it often is), that lot is critical to doing business there. And I'm sure patrons of the nearby Afternoon Delight and Seva restaurants would also be heart broken. This city parking lot is absolutely needed and a pox on the city official who tries to take it away.
Labels: Ann Arbor, main library, Michigan, parking lot
I'm thinking about relocating to A2 from the west side of the state... but the longstanding parking issues make me think twice about doing this. I know I'll be happier in A2... now if I can just figure out a way to put my car into my pocket when I get to work or wherever I'm going I'll be all set =;-)
minijonb, at 8:29 PM, October 01, 2006
Just take the bus. All routes start and end a block away from the library.
Anonymous, at 4:17 PM, October 11, 2006
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