The Michigan Democratic Party Needs New Leadership

You decide? Not Democrats and Independents in the state of Michigan due to the January disaster also known as the 2008 Democratic Primary.
With the race for the Democratic Presidential nominee between Senators Clinton and Obama so close that each state has become a crucial battleground after Super Tuesday, I think it is now even more clear that the Michigan Democratic Party (MDP) horribly failed Democrats and Independents in our state. The MDP and the National Democratic Committee (NDC) failed to negotiate (isn't that what politics is about?) and in so doing silenced the state of Michigan during this important part of the democratic process.
Like many other Democrats and Independents, I did not vote on the day of the sham Primary. What was the point? Even if I supported Hillary Clinton, a vote for her was a waste of time without legitimate delegates. The entire Primary was a waste of time and resources. The party Spin Doctors were out prior to the Primary trying to convince people to go vote "Uncommitted." What the hell does that mean? It would seem that the idea was to give up "my" opinion of the best suited candidate and place that decision fully into the hands of some fictitious delegate. Huh? And I suspect the MDP has a bridge across Lake Superior that they'd like to sell me too. No, I mean that I would "donate" for. Screw you.
What should happen following this debacle? Well who's responsible for not working out an agreement between the DNC and the MDP? From this state, the ultimate responsibility is with the leadership of this state's party and that is Party Chairman Mark Brewer. Simply stated: Mark Brewer should step down and clear the way for new leadership. The Michigan Democratic Party needs to work with the NDC and not run rogue and sacrifice the voices of Michigan voters.
Labels: 2008, democratic party, DNC, Mark Brewer, MDP, Michigan, primary
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