Tea Party Nation: It's Nap Time

This is just what America needs - a bunch angry, white, know-nothing conservatives that are too extreme even for the modern Republican party trying to tell America what to do. These individuals (mostly the retired, the unemployed, and the bored homemakers of America) have been going to town hall meetings across America and disrupting civil conversations by belching out slogans sent to them via web sites and mailings. Because they are perfectly capable of getting loud and ugly, they get attention by local and national media which is of course, what they want. I never thought I'd find something to agree on with Meghan McCain but even she sees these people as having racist tendencies which is appalling in our multi-cultural country.
I saw some of these individuals on the U-M campus last year. They were chanting and marching around the Diag making lots of noise and yelling (sometimes directly) at people as they came through. Holding signs with ugly (vaguely racist) portraits of the President and with wording that showed all the sophistication of a 9 year old (apologies to intelligent nine year olds out there). If you put some white pointed hoods and robes on these people, it could have looked like an Indiana KKK rally from the 1940's.
Here's my advice to the Tea Party Nation: why don't y'all just go back home and brew yourselves a nice cup of tea (oh wait, tea isn't an American produced product), or maybe take a chill pill (oh wait, that might look like you support health care), or better yet, just relax and do some laundry (hold back on the starch) and watch Fox News like you once did and nap if you feel like it. Let the rest of us responsible, intelligent, reasonable individuals deal with the world's problems.